Post Care Instructions
It is important to follow these instructions carefully to help ensure the best possible results from your scalp micro pigmentation treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about your recovery, be sure to contact your practitioner.


Here are some general post-treatment instructions for scalp micropigmentation:
  • Avoid getting your scalp wet from water or sweat at least 5 days after each Scalp Micro Pigmentation session.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or activities that cause sweating for at least 10 days after the SMP procedure.
  • Avoid exposing your scalp to the sun for at least a 2 weeks after the procedure. If you must go out in the sun, wear a hat or other head covering to protect your scalp from the sun. This is VERY important.
  • Avoid swimming in chlorine pools for at least 1 month after the procedure. This is very important as introducing your scalp tattoo to a chlorinated pool before being fully healed may cause pigmentation to react and not heal correctly.
  • Avoid applying any lotions, creams, or oils to your scalp for at least a 5 days after each SMP session. On the 6th day you can start moisturizing your scalp with Lubriderm Unscented only up until your next session.
  • Avoid touching or scratching your scalp for at least a week after the procedure. If you must, tap your scalp with a clean paper towel to relieve yourself.
  • After 5 days you can shower with water ONLY. Avoid using any shampoos or conditioners. After 10 days you can use baby shampoo ONLY on your scalp to prevent drying and unnecessary flaking of your scalp and pigmentation.
  • Follow any specific instructions provided by your practitioner, such as using prescribed ointments or avoiding certain activities.