Pre Care Instructions
It is important to follow these instructions carefully to help ensure the best possible results from your scalp micropigmentation treatment. Be sure to discuss any specific pre-treatment instructions with your practitioner before the procedure.


Here are some general pre-treatment instructions for scalp micropigmentation:
  • Do not take any blood-thinning medications (such as aspirin or ibuprofen) for at least a week before your SMP procedure.
  • Do not tan or expose your scalp to the sun for at least a week before your SMP treatment.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours before your scalp micro pigmentation treatment.
  • It is VERY important to moisturize your scalp using Lubriderm Unscented at least 7 day before your hair tattoo sessions. Failure to do so will result in your scalp being too dry to perform your treatment and your appointment will have to be rescheduled which may result in additional fees.
  • Do not apply any lotions, creams, or oils to your scalp the day of your SMP procedure. Keeping it free from greasy and oils that will interfere with optimal pigment retention.
  • Wash your hair and scalp thoroughly the night before the procedure using something mild like baby shampoo or all natural product to prevent the scalp from getting too dry. If you have a dry scalp to begin with, refrain from washing your hair for 24 hours prior to your SMP session.
  • Drink plenty of water leading up to your appointment to ensure your skin is hydrated and healthy for optimal smp results.
  • Do not shave your head with a razor before your appointment. Use only a ZERO guard clipper, like an ANDIS T-OUTLINER or we will shave it down before your SMP treatment at the clinic.